Sunday, 21 December 2014

How to Kitesurf a Wave

This is a short and basic lesson in a few pictures of how to use the kite to tow you into a wave and then ride it.

Wind blowing left to right. Select a wave spot breaking in the same direction. Wait out at the back and try and select a good size swell - preferably part of a set. Follow whilst moving slightly upwind away from the kite onto the lip of the swell keeping tension. Keep in mind where the swell peaks and commences it's break, trying to keep from going in too deep into the break zone. Once you have judged your position is good start the descent. 

Once on the face and sliding down drop the kite low with some determination to get power .

Ride down the face keeping the kite low to get a good dose of power to boost you into the bottom turn and then along the face

Commencing the bottom turn raise the kite up and concentrate on the turn and the breaking wave. The thrust you have received from dropping the kite low has given you the speed you need to run with the break.

Continue the bottom turn looking for the moment to cutback up the face

Ride up the face, hit the lip and turn either going back down or ride the shoulder. Kite is parked until more boost required. Note that a kite designed for wave riding is best for the job as it is designed to give you power without launching you out of the water, to turn fast again without too much power and then to park and drift while you do your surfing. In this case an Airush Wave kite was used.  

Ride the shoulder or carve up and down on the face

Ride off the shoulder and back out to do it all again. Kite power is engaged as required

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