Sunday, 26 October 2014

Haakgat Friday 24th October 2014 - did wind go 30 knots plus ?

Wind and waves came together to create a playground on Friday 24th October. Was taking photos of kiters surfing the break at Haakgat. A few parties of kiters passed through going on "downwinders" from some of the more southerly spots and most likely heading for Melkbos a few kilometres north.

( To scroll the images at a larger scale click on an image and scroll the icons at the bottom of the page )

One guy on a downwinder came into view and as he worked his way closer to Haakgat he really got my attention. He was super relaxed and owning the waves on the way in to the shore and going out. Here are some pics.

Boosting over a wave

Super relaxed - dragging his hand through the ocean

Chilling on a wave

Moving fast down a face and keeping the kite low to keep it powered

Flying a delta shaped kite - a Wainman Bunny. With a skilled rider the kite seemed super suited to the conditions.

The wind was strong and was 30 knots ( approx 35 mph ) plus ?  The gusts were way over 30 knots but the average ....

Depends which site you believe. See reports from Blowfeed and Sharkwind at similar times. The reports are for Kitebeach which is a few kilometres south. Do they work the average on different periods perhaps ?

26.8 knots gusting to 34.5 knots

33.4 knots ( 38 mph ) Gusts 48 knots ( 55 mph )

The high winds were creating quite dense spray

Occasionally a rider was in the wrong place for a few moments.


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