Took a few pictures of one of the storms that hit Cape Town in late August this year. The pictures tell the story of what happens to the ocean as it gets churned by winds which arise due to the high pressure of cold air in the Antarctic during the southern hemisphere winter and blast towards the southern part of Africa driving great swells with them.
This particular storm had deep sea swells of 6 - 7 metres and winds of 25 - 40 knots. Not the most intense but a bit above average. Coming almost at the end of August and close to the 1st September which is officially the start of spring this was the last storm of winter, though for the next couple of months cold fronts will continue to penetrate through to Cape Town from time to time, however the period between will increase and the intensity will slow as summer rolls around and the wind switches into the predominant summer direction.
( To scroll enlarged version of the pictures - click on a picture and then scroll the icons at the bottom of the page )