Sunday, 24 November 2013

Some 2013 Cape Town Winter Sessions

Seeing it's a quiet day and the wind is'nt playing along, I have looked through some of the pics I took during the 2013 winter. In winter the wind comes generally from the north west and along with it come cold fronts and rain. The wind is more gusty and not as dense as the summer south easter however there is still fun to be had for those few brave and avid enough to venture out. You will see from the background that the seas are rougher and the light generally dimmed a bit by clouds trawling the skies.

Sunday, 17 November 2013

First 25 Knot Plus Day in Cape Town

 On the 13th October the wind blew between 25 and 30 knots average. There were not too many kites out being early season but those who were were smashing the swells, which were about a consistent 3 feet.
These photos were taken at Big Bay.